All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast. ~John Gunther

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

hypocritically speaking

confession: I do not regularly practice the leisurely breakfast. in fact, there are between 7-10 minutes allotted for breakfast in my morning routine on work days.

breakfast consists of soy milk and the Kashi whole grain cereal that resembles cat food. I inhale my cereal, make sure I don't have any left in my teeth, and then rush out the door by 6:35 am to catch the bus.

I hate it. I miss reading over breakfast, not getting hungry again by 8:30 am, and mostly feeling in control of my morning - something that sets the tone for the day. eating on the run feels gross and far too modern for my liking, but when I have to choose between a leisurely breakfast and waking up even earlier than I already do, I'm afraid there's not much contest. it's unsatisfying and counter to much of what I believe about both food and life.

I'm considering skipping breakfast at home entirely and just having it at work. this would be multitasking and awfully yuppie, but maybe would give me more time to pull myself together in the morning? I'm not sure. suggestions are welcome.

1 comment:

sarah elisabeth said...

For me, personally, I need to eat breakfast, and I would get up earlier to give myself more time, were I you. But if your work schedule might change anyways, maybe you'll feel differently?

The sooner you eat when you start your day, the sooner your metabolism kicks in and gets the energy pumping and the fat burning, so I wouldn't delay all the way until you get to work.

You could eat something little to get you going in the morning - a piece of toast or a cereal bar, and then eat something more substantial sitting down for 15 minutes before you start work since you usually get there early.

Or stop showering. That's always a good suggestion.