All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast. ~John Gunther

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

toast, hash browns, and big plans

So last night at just before 11pm gina marie and I rolled up to Super Stop & Shop to buy cans of things. I managed to buy only *1* item requiring refrigeration because I am classy. And that item was crescent rolls that come in that little metal & cardboard cylinder, again, because I'm classy.

The reason I bought crescent rolls, and a whole bunch of cans of tomato products, is because I am gearing up to make meat sauce for spaghetti and to make beef stew. I've decided that if I go to Whole Foods and buy organic, grass-fed, insanely expensive beef, that I will not get mad cow disease, and I will be able to make yummy food that lasts awhile. I love making food that tastes *better* the next day.

It's really not so in line with the macrobiotic plans, although it is all dairy free... but I don't know how to make any really good vegan soups, and I miss this stuff now that it is getting cold. Any recipes for vegetable soups (including stock and stock recommendations) especially soups with beans and lentil soup, are much appreciated.

In the meantime stay tuned for the beef stew experience and results (the secret ingredient is tomato paste) and for the meat sauce (the secret ingredient dad's recipe?).

The other exciting thing about Super Stop & Shop was that they had my whole grain raisin bread! I had been looking for it for ages since they stopped carrying it at Whole Foods, and I had despaired and all but given up. But now, glory be, I had yummy whole grain raisin toast with earth balance this morning.

And then I got to work and had hash browns from burger king. gross, but satisfying in that oily potato way, but still gross.


Suellen said...

Saute some chopped garlic in hot olive oil. Add a large bunch of escarole, chopped and stir until wilted. Add about 4 cups of broth and a tin of cannellini. Simmer about 30 minutes. Season to taste. Add no maple syrup.

More Soup:
Saute 2 sliced onions until soft. Add 4C sliced zucchini, 4C broth, 1-2t dried dill, 1 1/2T wine vinegar, salt & pepper. Bring to a boil; add 2T Cream of Wheat(seriously). Simmer 25 minutes. Puree until smooth. Again, no maple syrup.

sarah emily said...

the first recipe is delicious. I second the recommendation. however...I've never seen the other recipe before in my life. is this new? or from someone else's childhood?